
“…instead of obsessing on competitive position and other abstractions, as the B-schools and consultants would always have us do, I  instead wondered about some “practical stuff,” which I believe is more important to the short- and long-term health of the enterprise, tiny or enormous.”

Tom Peters - 50 Have Yous
[fruitful_dbox]TYPES OF COACHING FOR EXCELLENCE [/fruitful_dbox]

The illiterate of the 21st century will not be those who cannot read and write, but those who cannot learn, unlearn, and relearn. Alvin Toffler


  1. Cognitive domain (intellectual capability, ie., knowledge, or ‘think’)
  2. Affective domain (feelings, emotions and behavior, ie., attitude, or ‘feel’)
  3. Psycho-motor domain (manual and physical skills, ie., skills, or ‘do’)

Other short-hand variations examples: Skills-Knowledge-Attitude, KAS, Do-Think-Feel, etc.

Cognitive (knowledge)
1. Recall data
2. Understand
3. Apply (use)
4. Analyse (structure/elements)
5. Synthesize (create/build)
6. Evaluate (assess, judge in relational terms)

Affective (attitude):
1. Receive (awareness)
2. Respond (react)
3. Value (understand and act)
4. Organize personal value system
5. Internalize value system (adopt behavior)

Psycho-motor (skills):
1. Imitation (copy)
2. Manipulation (follow instructions)
3. Develop Precision
4. Articulation (combine, integrate related skills)
5. Naturalization (automate, become expert)

[fruitful_dbox] ATCOACH TECHNOLOGY FOR EXCELLENCE[/fruitful_dbox]


Present State: elicited through assessments and questionnaire.

Model of Excellence: created based on MindSteep profiling systems and NLP New Code Modeling (Benchmark).

Desired State of Excellence: lateral/divergent thinking aiming a Personal Blue Ocean Strategy.

Upgrade/Transform & Feedback Process: value-competence-behavior transformation through interactive training, coaching, mentoring activities
  • Clearly defining the problem/goal: This is the most critical part of setting up any transforming upgrade to high performance, using plain language.
  • Deciding on evaluation criteria: This helps direct the participants and those who will evaluate transformation throughout the process. The specific evaluation criteria is outlined at the beginning of the process, a clear plan for evaluation during the upgrading /transforming process.
  • Defining policies, rules, and requirements: Identifying the policies that upgrading process must comply with, such as privacy, Terms of Use, and the type of submissions allowed. Defining the rules and requirements that participants must comply with.
  • Identifying success metrics up front: Developing a clear metric plan during the planning phase of upgrading/transforming process. Evaluation metrics will depend on problems/ goals.
  • Determining platform type and capabilities for upgrades: configuring for each specific upgrading idle (metaprograms, values) which change process to be used according to the importance of transformation process, problems/ goals, ROI, etc.: Training, Coaching, Mentoring, Counselling.
  • Planning communication strategy: Multilevel communication, Talking, Reading and Responding to participants, especially in the few days leading up to the process start. Updating the community frequently to engage the participants as part of the process. The more engagement with people, the better opportunity for solid and increasingly results. Plus long-lasting impact when engaging people for other initiatives.
  • Planning the evaluation process: It can vary depending on the overall goals of the upgrading/transforming process. Might consider more peer-centered evaluation, 360 degree evaluation, expert evaluation or internal representatives leading the evaluation process. All must be ROI oriented evaluations.
  • Determining what will motivate the participants:  While financial incentives can be important, people want to feel like they helped, made a difference, or improved something according to their iWAM and VSQ profiles.
  • Managing public input: Developing a re-framing response. Some people may use this process as an opportunity to vent, veer off topic, or give negative feedback to managing team. Develop a moderation policy, a plan for responding (as needed).
[fruitful_dbox] ROI & BENEFITS ORIENTED [/fruitful_dbox]

@Coach process is ROI+ Oriented by definition.  We design & implement the whole process based  on duration, number of participants, high performers and low performers financial results, savings. productivity increase, cost savings, extra income generation, time frame etc.

[fruitful_ibox_row] [fruitful_ibox column=”ffs-two-one” title=”COSTS”]

  • Profiling
  • Assessment
  • Design and development
  • Promotion & Communication
  • Administration
  • Materials
  • Facilities
  • Students x hours productivity loss
  • Evaluation

[/fruitful_ibox] [fruitful_ibox column=”ffs-two-one” title=”BENEFITS” last=”true”]

  • Work savings
  • Productivity increases
  • Other cost savings
  • Other income generation
[/fruitful_ibox][/fruitful_ibox_row] [fruitful_dbox]STATE OF EXCELLENCE DESIGN[/fruitful_dbox]

Created by divergent thinking – creative, open-ended thinking aimed at generating fresh views and novel solutions – and Blue Ocean Strategy.

To fundamentally shift the strategy canvas of an industry, you must begin by reorienting your strategic focus from competitors to alternatives, and from customers to noncustomers of the industry.
To pursue both value and cost, you should resist the old logic of benchmarking competitors in the existing field and choosing between differentiation and cost leadership. As you shift your strategic focus from current competition to alternatives and noncustomers, you gain insight into how to redefine the problem the industry focuses on and thereby reconstruct buyer value elements that reside across industry boundaries. Conventional strategic logic, by contrast, drives you to offer better solutions than your rivals to existing problems defined by your industry.” Blue Ocean Strategy by W.Chan & K.Mauborgne

[fruitful_dbox]COACHING MODELS FOR EXCELLENCE APPLIED [/fruitful_dbox]

Coaching is a change process through multiple dimensions of language (words, body, rhythm.) based on the  chosen subject, agenda, and the outcome. The coach guides the process to steer the client in the direction of accessing resources, increase choice, solving problems, knowing self more completely, evaluating progress, making decisions, and staying on the path toward the outcome. What happens in the process is often based on the coaching model. We use a wide variety of coaching models, the most significant of which are summarized here:

Hall and Duval “Axes of Change” model based on Meta-Program distinctions: Direction of Motivation, Reflecting versus Acting, Frame of Reference, and Sameness versus Mismatching. Using these Meta-Programs as “leverage points” the coach initiates various solution-oriented conversations.

Dilts and Lage coaching process proceeds through various stages. The initial session begins with building rapport, managing expectations, laying a ground work and practical arrangements, assessment and information-gathering, identifying concerns, and designing the alliance. From there coaching advances to addressing immediate issues, examining goals, values and beliefs, finding resources, re-evaluating habits, assigning tasks, and providing ongoing support.

McDermott and Jago “Structure of Success” model, in which failures are an inevitable part of the learning process and result from “maladaptive patterns”. When approached with curiosity, these patterns can be analyzed and corrected, leading to success. Their framework follows these steps: o Identify the goal. o Define the outcome. o Identify the resources needed. o Represent the goal in thinking, feeling and action. o Maintain progress and gather feedback as you go along. o Make necessary adjustments based on feedback. o Reward yourself at each stage.

Merlevede and Bridoux two models of problem solving approaches and one for mentoring:

  • Drawing upon Dilts’ SCORE model, (a problem-solving procedure that considers the Situation, Causes, Outcome, Resources, and Effects) the COMET process discovers and models the patterns in another’s competency particularly useful in mentoring. The method analyses Context, Outcome, Method, Effect and Tasks.
  • “Itinerary of Change” model describes the multiple layers of thinking and action necessary for the successful completion of long-term projects that require sustained effort over a definite or indefinite period of time. The individual continually recycles through a chain-like process of desire, intention, wanting, self-belief, self-permission, decision-making, plan implementation, sustaining the effort, and arriving at completion. This process-oriented model indicates what questions to ask to determine where the client gets stuck, and what kind of intervention is needed.
  • The seven step mentoring models follows these steps: 1) Choose a protégé, 2) Establish connection, 3) Outline the relationship and outcomes, 4) Identify processes and roadblocks, 5) take action, 6) follow-up, and 7) Bring the relationship to a close.

McLeod STEPPPA model of coaching, consisting of these steps for the coach and the client (to McLeod, the coachee): o S: Choose the subject of the conversation. o T: Target objectives. o E: Address the emotional context. o P: Check perceptions and re-evaluate the target. o P: Formulate plans and procedures. o P: Pace by checking for understandings and ramifications. o A: Adjust the strategy or act.

Grove’s Clean Language is a questioning and discussion technique used especially for discovering, exploring and working with people’s own personal metaphors.

John Grinder’s “New Code Change” format is based on multiple layers of communication both at conscious and at unconscious level, content free and process oriented.

[fruitful_dbox] PRECONDITIONS TO ATCOACH SESSIONS[/fruitful_dbox]

Prior to the ATCOACH session:

1) We encourage the clients to benefit from a comfortable, attractive coaching settings environment to increases acquisition and retention.

2) We recommend using ATCOACH FLOW STATE to induce an appropriate state (physically and mentally) to enhance transformation, new learning and pattern retention.

During ATCOACH session:

3) Some of the ATCOACH sessions are recorded in stereophonic 3-D sound, giving independent messages to each bilateral brain hemisphere input (whole-brain-body learning) that increases acquisition of new material.

4) ATCOACH sessions have linguistically structured, indirectly suggestive messages to engage the unconscious mind, while delivering direct suggestion to the conscious mind. This simultaneous use of the conscious and unconscious learning (dual communication) makes client’s transformation and learning easier and more productive.

5) ATCOACH  sessions deliver specific step-by-step instructions through an organized methodology (Transfer Pattern components and sequence) that overcomes the anti-suggestive barriers which reject or inhibit new learning and lead smoothly the listener through the transformation process.

6) During ATCOACH we make specific requests of the client through a set of multilayered tasks that redirects the pressure to conscious attention while liberating and opening unconscious absorption of new neuro-pathways.

7) ATCOACH techniques uses methodology emphasizing didactic, psychological, multi-sensory, and artistic elements to create a unique internal sensory environment increasing multilayers transformation, learning and retention.

8) ATCOACH gives special attention to enhance the psycho-ecological conditions to support self-esteem, concentration & relaxation, resulting in increased long term sustainability of transformations, change or coping patterns.

9) ATCOACH have been carefully scripted, to the subtlest detail, to ensure positive wording and goal orientation to encourage increasing personal transformation and learning atmosphere and pattern retention.

10) ATCOACH increments of progress in transformation and coping patterns are kept reasonable within each client’s threshold to heighten self-concepts, promote personal adjustment and self-confidence and to ensure self-upgrading success.

11) All ATCOACH patterns and change technologies are the result of almost a half a century of research and development both in L&D, Neuroscience and Change Management by the most brilliant minds of our time, are tested in work environment for more than 20 years by major world companies and the breakthrough results confirmed by clients are stressing the legitimacy of the underlying Technologies for Excellence.

Note. ATCOACH uses Technologies of Excellence developed by Applied Modeling Performance, Academia NLP Romania, JobEQ Belgium, MindSteep USA, etc.
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